Do you remember feeling accomplished in school or sports? Now you're craving the results but resisting the work. You're disappointed with what you see in the mirror after a shower. You've promised yourself to eat healthier or exercise but fail to follow through. The reason?
At MWOD, we believe you are capable of more. Our process has helped hundreds of men and women transform their lives.
They say things like "My friends freak out at how much my body has changed!" and "I've never been more alive!" This can be your reality too. Take the first step, and make the decision to transform your life with MWOD.
The secret is distinguishing between Involuntary Discomfort and Voluntary Discomfort.
When trouble comes calling, we can feel like victims. When we go looking for trouble, we become victors.
Our community is made up of men and women who are unwilling to go with the drift, from all walks of life, who have intentionally chosen to live a different way. We know that we cannot do this alone, and MWOD has given us a space to become who we truly are.
JOIN OUR COMMUNITYWe live by a CREDO- our operating system for implementing radical change into our everyday lives. These methods will uncover your true potential and anchor you to the best version of yourself despite your past, future, or current circumstances.
Embracing voluntary discomfort prepares us for the inevitable, and involuntary discomforts that life brings. Creating this lifestyle in isolation is possible, but it just doesn't happen very often. It's also not that fun.
When you do it in community, though, you're far more likely to give your whole heart to it. This communal approach gives you your best shot at long-term, sustainable success.
At MWOD, we believe the only metric that matters is whether or not it works. More specifically, will MWOD work for you? Efficacy is the main thing we obsess about. It's also why the stories we hear encourage us to never stop.
Learn more about what to expect and our CREDO methodology for personal transformation at the following links.