Strong & Awake

Enrollment vs. Self Enrollment | Ep. 2




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This podcast episode, hosted by Dane Sanders and Mitchell Dong, explores the concept of enrolling oneself into seeking personal growth and living a fulfilled life. It references ideas on Stoicism, emphasizing the importance of self-discipline and individual effort in personal development. The discussion delves into the societal craving for comfort and how it leads to weakness. Dane also discusses the concept of 'enrollment,' or committing to personal growth, and contrasts it with being persuaded or enrolled by others. Through various examples, including a powerful personal encounter, the episode conveys the message that true growth and learning come from embracing discomfort and making hard choices. It concludes by encouraging listeners to commit to a small, uncomfortable act for love's sake and share their commitment with someone within ten minutes, emphasizing the importance of taking action towards personal growth.

Key Moments:

  • 00:00 Introduction
  • 00:58 Stoicism and Self-Discipline
  • 03:17 The Power of Voluntary Discomfort
  • 07:43 Self-Enrollment
  • 13:10 Self-Negotiation
  • 18:35 Commitment, Action, and Growth
  • 22:06 Anchor Action: For Love's Sake

Mentioned in this Episode:

  • Ryan Holiday's Daily Stoic and Read to Lead program
  • Dallas Willard
  • Elevated Spaces

Anchor Actions:

After reflecting on the theme of "for love's sake" discussed in the episode, consider individuals in your life whom you love or wish to love more deeply, whether it's yourself or others. From there, think about an action that aligns with the notion of expressing love through your deeds. It could be something as mundane as completing household chores or engaging in a thoughtful gesture towards someone significant to you. The key is to choose a commitment that might initially seem unappealing but holds potential for meaningful impact. Once you've identified your commitment, make it concrete by setting a minimal viable goal and committing to it. Within the next ten minutes, inform someone close to you about your commitment, emphasizing the significance of this decision. Don't procrastinate; set a timer and ensure you follow through promptly. Once you've shared your commitment, allow it to serve as a starting point for further growth and action. Embrace the discomfort that may accompany this commitment, recognizing it as a catalyst for personal development.

Join Us:

Our Membership Community (MWOD) is where we embrace discomfort as a path to personal development. Remember, it's probably not for you... but if we're wrong about that, or if you want to find out for yourself, apply below.

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The information shared on this podcast and any related materials from Men & Women Of Discomfort (MWOD) or Flying S Incorporated are for general informational purposes only. You should not use this information as a basis for making decisions without consulting your own medical and legal professionals. We aim to provide accurate and up-to-date information, but we make no guarantees about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or comprehensiveness of the content.

At Men & Women Of Discomfort, we promote agency and encourage you to carefully consider the input we offer. If you find it helpful, we invite you to take advantage of it, but do so with the understanding that you bear the responsibility of due diligence. By using our content, you acknowledge that you are taking opportunities at your own risk. Thank you for understanding.

Copyright 2024 Men & Women Of Discomfort (

*Transcript Note: The transcript of our podcast is AI-generated and may contain errors. We aim for accuracy but appreciate your understanding and feedback on any discrepancies.


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If you could wave a magic wand and transform your current reality into anything you wanted, what would it turn into?
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Describe in one sentence where you think you'll be in 5 years if things don't change.
How likely do you think the change you seek is even possible, given your current strategies?
If the exact change you're dreaming of actually happened, how valuable would it be to you? Answer however you wish.
Describe a team/group/community you’ve been a part of in the past where you experienced the most growth. Comment on any challenges that came with participation.
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